Monday, July 5, 2010

Downtown Fairhope

One of the most beautiful places in Baldwin County is downtown Fairhope. The City of Fairhope keeps downtown immaculate. The flowers are planted on every corner and makes Fairhope very colorful. During the holiday season, the trees that align the streets are covered in white lights; which adds more beauty to this quaint town. The lights stay lit every night from November through Mardi Gras.

For those of us who like to shop, Fairhope has a store for everyone. Fantasy Island Toys is a favorite for the children, while M&F Casuals, CK Collection, Uptown, and Private Gallery is the girls' favorite shops. Downtown Fairhope is not only my favorite place to shop, it has fun restaurants. Master Jo's has the best sushi in Baldwin County! If you plan to go on a Friday or Saturday night, you will have to be patient, but it is worth the wait. Ole Bay Steamer is a great seafood restaurant and Mr. Genes Beans is the place to go for dessert.

If you have never been to downtown Fairhope, you need to plan to come for the day. I promise, you will come back again and again!


  1. Fairhope is an awesome little town. There are great restaurants, shops, and a nice sense of community. I worked at Old Bay Steamer for two years. It has awesome seafood and the friendliest staff around. Unfortunately, Old Bay is having a rough time keeping the doors open. The economy had really affected business and now the oil spill has pretty much put the final nail in. If you enjoy Old Bay I suggested going in and supporting them and also spreading the word.

  2. I just love Fairhope! I feel like I can go to Fairhope, and feel like I am on vacation! I would love to live there one day!! I think that my favorite thing to do there is just walk around all day and then drive around looking at my dream homes!!
